Monday, December 3, 2012

Ricky Rubio

Number: 9
Age: 22 (October 21, 1990)
Hometown: El Masnou, Spain 
Twitter link: rickyrubio9 

Fun Facts:
1. Fun fact number 1 
2. Fun fact number 2
3. Fun fact number 3
4. Fun fact number 4 
5. Fun fact number 5 

My Week 

Weekly blog: Here, the players will discuss highlights of their weeks. The posts will be written by the players themselves, and will feature their signature at the end of each post. Each post should include at least one funny anecdote from practice or personal life. There should be at least one picture from a game highlight from the week, as well as 2+ personal pictures and videos. They should also 
highlight restaurants they ate at, places they were, people they saw. The blog should be as interactive as possible, with links to related sites. 

Logistics: A new post will be produced each week by a different player. They will be posted every Tuesday morning by 8 a.m. The blog will be managed and updated by a social media intern, and each blog post will be approved by both individual and team public relations management. A link to each new blog will be posted on the Timberwolves Facebook and Twitter pages, as well as the individual players' Twitter pages. 

What's the point?: One of our main objectives is to strengthen the emotional connection between fans and players. This blog is a place for fans to connect with players on a personal level. By showing the players out of context off the court, being funny and acting like real people, they become more relatable and personable. The blog is a way for people to be updated on the players and learn about their daily lives that goes deeper than the minimalistic posts on other social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Posts should highlight the players personalities and portray them in a positive, likable way. 

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